Technical Authoring

Our expertise in Technical Authoring meets your need to communicate descriptive and procedural information in compliance with established or bespoke technical documentation specifications. All of our technical authors are experienced in one or more industry sectors, and all have an electro-mechanical background.

What our technical authors can do for you

Our authors will work with your engineers and designers as necessary to combine your existing information and produce technical publications to your required specification. They can also work on-site as products are developed, to make sure that we gather and incorporate the latest information as soon as it becomes available, which minimizes the delivery time at the end of the project.

Throughout the production process, close liaison will be maintained with you to ensure that your product is delivered on time and on budget.

Technical documentations we produce

The publications our technical authors produce may include (but are not limited to):

➤ User Guides
➤ Service Manuals
➤ Operator Manuals
➤ Inspection Manuals
➤ Bespoke publications
➤ Air & Train Crew Manuals
➤ Handbooks / User Guides
➤ Structural Repair Manuals
➤ Illustrated Parts Catalogues
➤ Maintenance / Overhaul Manuals
➤ Component Maintenance Manuals
CMM’S to ATA100/2100/i2200
➤ Pocket Handbooks
➤ Brochures and Leaflets
➤ Assembly Guides & Instructions
➤ Installation & Maintenance Guides
➤ Training Manuals / Corporate Brochures
➤ Military Manuals; AESP / NES 40 / AvP70
➤ Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalogues (AIPC)
➤ Flow Chart Fault Isolation and Diagnostics
➤ Data Modules to ASD S1000D / Defence
Standard 00-600 with initial provisioning
to ASD 2000M

May you need illustrations or customised templates, DT Publications also provide Technical Illustration and Desktop Publishing services.

Technical specifications

Our expertise in technical publications extends to a wide range of defence and industry standards, including (but not limited to):

AESP 0100 Series – Army Equipment Support Publications System
ASD 2000MInternational Specification for Material Management
ASD S1000D and Data Modules lnternational Specification for Technical Publications
ASD-STE100 (previously PSC-85-16598) – Simplified Technical English for Aerospace and Defense
ATA100, ATA2100, ATA2200 & ATAi2200 – Specification for Manufacturer’s Technical Data
DEF Stan 00-56 Safety Management Requirements for Defence Systems
DEF Stan 00-600 (previously 00-60) – Integrated Logistics Support
DSAT – Defence System Approach to Training
EF2000 – Eurojet General Specification for the Generation of Equipment Publications Information
JSP (D) 543 – Defence Technical Documentation – Superseding:
DEF Stan 02-40 Requirements for the Preparation of Technical Publications
AvP70 -Specification for Military Air Publications
JSP 180 Series
JSP 822 – Defence Direction and Guidance for Training and Education
JSP 886 – Defence Logistics Support Chain Manual
MIL-DTL-81927C Manuals, Technical: Work Package Style, Format, and Common Technical Content Requirements; General Specification
MIL-M-81927 – Manuals, Technical:General Style and Format of Work Package Concept
MIL-M-81929 Manuals, Technical: Preparation of Illustrated Parts Breakdown, Work Package Concept
MIL-STD-1388 Integrated Logistics Support
MIL-STD-3001 Preparation of Digital Technical Information for Multi-Output Presentation of Technical Manuals
MIL-STD-38784 Standard Practice for Manuals, Technical; General Style and Format Requirements
NES 40 – Naval Equipment Support
SCORM – Technical Standard for e-learning

Software and authoring applications

All publications are produced using software appropriate to your requirements:

➤ Adobe Captive
➤ Adobe Framemaker (Structured and Non-Structured)
➤ Arbortext Epic
➤ Articulate Storyline
➤ Ultra XML

➤ Maxix SE/CE
➤ Microsoft Office
➤ RoboHelp
➤ Druid™ IETM (Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals)

Interested in our technical authoring services? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales team will happily assist you with any questions and enquiries you may have by phone [01332 291287] or per email [].